Friday, September 12, 2014

Writers as Readers

2. I'm a fan of myths and legends. I also enjoy action and fantasy. I always want the characters to have a personality. I can't stand bland characters without reaction to anything. And fantasy writing has characters that are enjoyable.

7. It takes a good book to keep my attention. But the first book I remember reading by myself was Eragon and I loved it. I was in 5th grade when I was reading it. It had this feel that I loved about it. Everything kept me wanting to read it.

12. Yes. If they read a lot then they might become a strong writer. As they have seen a lot of writing styles. And can put that to use.

6. The one who taught me to read was my mother. From a young age she told me stories and gave me flash cards with words on them and she'd have me read them out loud to her when I was really little and first able to say words.

5. The Maze Runner was a book that kept me up for nights cause I wanted to know what happened next. I just couldn't stop reading it. How To Kill A Mockingbird was a book I HATED reading. I couldn't stand to read it anymore. But I did to get the grade and be done.

1 comment:

  1. I'm hoping to see Maze Runner when it opens this weekend. I haven't read it but have heard good things.
