Monday, October 6, 2014

First and Last Lines

               "Through the fence, between the curling flower spaces, I could see them hitting."
                  This line is from The Sound and the Fury is a novel written by William Faulkner.

William Faulkner 1949.jpg
(August 17, 1870 – August 7, 1932)
TheSoundAndTheFuryCover.jpgFaulkner wrote novels, short stories, a play, poetry, essays and screenplays. Faulkner is one of the most important writers in American literature generally. Though his work was published as early as 1919, and largely during the 1920s and 1930s, Faulkner was unknown until receiving the 1949 Nobel Prize in Literature.
The Sound and the fury is about the Compson family-former Southern aristocrats- who are fall into financial ruin , lose religious faith, and lose the respect of the town they live in.
I might read this book. But it isn't a book I would normally read. I enjoy fantasy and historical fiction. It sounds interesting though. I recommend it to those who really love non-fiction reads.

    "It was a fine cry-loud and long-but it had no bottom and it had no top, just circles and circles of sorrow"
                                    This line is from Sula by Toni Morrison
Toni Morrison
SulaToni Morrison is an American author, editor, and professor who won the 1993 Nobel Prize in Literature. among the best known are her novels The Bluest Eye, Song of Solomon, and Beloved, which won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1988. In 2001 she was named one of "The 30 Most Powerful Women in America" by Ladies' Home Journal.

Nel Wright has chosen to stay in the place where she was born, to marry, raise a family, and become a pillar of the black community. Sula Peace has rejected the life Nel has embraced, escaping to college, and submerging herself in city life. When both women return to their roots,  both women must face the consequences of their choices.
I wouldn't read this book. It just doesn't grab my attention. But I may be wrong. If I had to read it for a class I would but other than that I wouldn't look at this book outside of a class.

1 comment:

  1. I have read a few of Toni Morrison's books and enjoyed them...there's something about the stories of black women that have always drawn me in.
