Thursday, December 4, 2014

101 things about me

1. I love Celtic things
2. Mythology is fascinating to me
3. History is my favorite subject
4. I've never actually beaten Dragon Age Origins. My power went out when I had just beat the last boss.
5. I was hatched from an egg I swear.
6. I really want a pet skag dog
7. I cosplay
8. My dream is to live in an apartment with the one I love and everything I want.
9. I love writing
10. I'm not very good at writing
11. I daydream too much
12. My favorite animal is a wolf
13. I like change
14. Slytherin ftw
15. I love Assassin's Creed
16. I had to chose between pokemon and legend of zelda. I chose the pokeball over the sword.
17. Spyro was my first real console game.
18. Pokemon emerald was my first video game on hand held.
19. I am really bad at math.
20. I bite and chew my lip a lot.
21. I scratch at my face out of habit.
22.  I have no views in religion and politics
23. I love RPG games
24. Never played Dungeons and Dragons but I would like too
25. I used to play chess
26. I love historical fiction books
27. I love reading fantasy books
28. I love horror games.
29. The platforms I play on are PC and Xbox. But my first console was PlayStation
30. I have headaches everyday.
31. I think everyone thinks I'm crazy.
32. I've been told that I'm easy to make mad.
33. I've been told I am enduring.
34. I love winter.
35. I know the lyrics to my favorite songs.
36. I have a tumblr
37. I like coding
38. I want to work at IGN and with video games
39. I want to be a public relations manager.
40. I'm not scared easily.
41. I love the dark
43. Elie Wisesel, Joshua Chamberlain and Queen Elizabeth the first are my heroes
44. I want to learn a foreign language
45. Look at things online I can't buy and kind of rethink my life.
46. I don't say "I don't know" I say "I dunno"
47. My bloodline goes back to England during the black plague.
48. I enjoy almost all music
49. I wear a bracelet my mom gave me before she died. I've never taken it off.
50. I like to think I am clever
51. I like playing as the Rogue in RPGs
52. I used to be able to use a bow
53. I was born in LA
54. I love forests
55. Me and my best friend met in 4th grade and are still friends
56. I want to make a list of video games I like.
57. I am running out of things to say about myself
58. I am wearing a promise ring
59. I hate to see someone force someone to do something else
60. I love mint
61. I've been told I am smart
62. I like it when it's dark out.
63. I like it when it snows.
64. I'm a morning person
65. I've been told that I am nice
67. I hate it when people get in my face.
68. I don't like being touched
69. I don't like hugs.
70. I can reach the top shelf on my own thank you.
71. I've been told I think on my feet really well
72. I hate heights.
73. I like hot chocolate
74. I'm bad with spelling
75. I love learning the lore of games
76. I really want to work with games
77. I am sleepy all the time
78. Running out of things to say
79. Help please
80. Really need help
81. I have green eyes
82. I always wear red
83. I want my hair red
84. I love designing websites and stuff
85. I had wish I could help everyone
86. I like modern things
87. I really like posters
88. I collect pop figures
89. And mugs
90. And sliver things
91. Running out of things
92. So close
93. I am almost there
94. Don't mind me
95. Buying time
96. it's almost time to go
97. help me
98. 98
99. I love my pets
100.  really wish pokemon was real

1 comment:

  1. You definitely are clever, and you have some interesting hobbies. Like you, I don't generally turn to religion or politics in my decision making (and I don't like watching/listening to people debate about either). My husband plays RPG and also always chooses the Rogue. Also red is my son's color, too. I hope your dreams of working on video games (and buying whatever you want on the Internet!) come true...Thanks for sharing your list.
